Yes, you can add coupons for your customers to use on online orders. When you are logged into your Menufy Manager page locate the Discounts & Deals tab. From there, you should see the Coupons page. Click on it and you'll be directed to where you can customize a promotional coupon for Carryout and/or Delivery orders. Customization includes setting which weekdays/hours the coupon is valid, if it's a fixed price discount or a percentage off discount, if it can or cannot be used with certain menu categories or items, or if you want the coupon to require customers to sign up for your restaurant email list. You can also choose to show the coupon on your Menufy website or hide it as well.
Here are instructions and basic tips on Menufy Coupons:
COUPONS: vouchers entitling customers to a discount
- A great tool if you are interested in increasing your online orders
- Plenty of specification/requirement options to customize promotions
- Can be advertised on your social media platforms, at the restaurant, or print marketing
- Can be offered with our free email marketing tool
First, go to your Menufy Manager page and select Discounts & Deals and then Coupons. Now, here are the basic instructions on how to set up a coupon:
The Name should be the purpose of the coupon.
For example, it could be:
- Increase Sales - $5 off $25
- Marketing - 10% Off
- New Customers - 20% Off
- Delivery Coupon
- Carryout Coupon
The Details is a brief description of the coupon, this field is optional you can leave it in blank or you can add the description, for example:
- 5% discount for new customers
- $5 discount for orders more than $20.00
The Code can be anything. It can be as obvious as 5OFF30 or a part of the restaurant’s name, SICILY10.
Here are some other examples of coupon codes:
- NEW20
Date Specifications - If you’d like to set a certain date range for your coupon, you may specify it in the Start and Stop sections. There is no limitation when it comes to dates, so coupons can be valid 1, 3, or even 10 years out!
Day/Time Specifications - Also, if you want a coupon to be valid on a specific day or time range during business hours, it is possible! However, you can only update this after the coupon is created. (More on this later!)
The image below is what the next section of Coupons will look like. The teal-colored options are the default, but you can click on any option available to customize the offer.
Everyone - Can be used multiple times by customers.
Once Per User - Can only be used once by the customer.
New Users Only - Can only be used by customers new to your restaurant.
Requires Opt-in to Email Promotions - Customers will be added to your restaurant’s email marketing list, which can be accessed in the Dashboard of your Menufy Manager page.
No Opt-In Required - This will not opt users into your restaurant’s email list.
- We recommend leaving this option as Require Opt-In to email promotions so you can increase your customer database.
All Orders - Coupon can be used on both carryout and delivery orders. (If your restaurant doesn’t have delivery available, it will only be valid for carryout orders.)
Carryout Only - Coupon can only be used on carryout orders only
Dine-In Only - Coupon can only be used on dine-in orders placed through your Menufy ordering site
Delivery Only - Coupon can only be used on delivery orders only
Order Minimum is the minimum order subtotal required to qualify for the promotion.
(If nothing is added, there will be no minimum order requirement.)
Maximum Usage is the number of times you want the customer to be able to use the coupon. Leave blank if you want unlimited usage.
Fixed Discount is for when you want to run a promotion for a specific dollar amount off orders. ($5 off, $3 off, $10 off)
Percentage Discount is for when you would like the promotion to offer a certain percentage off orders. (10% off, 15% off, 20% off)
Max Discount applies to the Percentage Discount and is the maximum amount an order can be discounted.
After you’ve triple-checked everything, Add Coupon!
***Tips on Coupons
- When you finish creating your coupon, we suggest making this coupon visible on your Menufy website. Simply go to where you manage your Coupons and select the checkbox:
Day/Time Specifications - If you would like to have a coupon designated for a specific day or time range (happy hour, etc.), it will look something like this:
Select the Set Hours button:
Adjust to reflect the specific day(s) and correct times the coupon is available. Make sure to press the blue check button when you complete each day, as needed.
Once you’re done, you may exit the pop-up. You will now see this on the coupon page after everything is saved:
You can turn coupons on and off as needed as well. Here is what it will look like if the coupon is turned off: (Will not show on the website or be valid for redemption)
In addition to setting time/day requirements, coupons can now have Filters!
Select Filters and you’ll be able to set the specs:
Clients can choose which Categories and Items they would like the coupon to be valid for. (+Required) They can also choose which Categories and Items they do not want the coupon to be valid for (-Excluded).
Make sure to press Add Category Filter to add the filter. Once the filter has been added it will appear here:
When you go back to the Coupon page you will see the filter in Filters column.
***Tips on Filters:
If you have food specials already set up on your Menufy order site and you do not want coupons to be used on them, -Excluded will be your filter type, and then choose the menu categories for those specials.
- The coupon cannot be used if the customer has added any menu items to their online order from the Categories/Items selected to be -Excluded from the promotion.
If you have a coupon that is for a specific food category or item, +Required will be your filter type, and then choose the menu category (or categories) or item(s).
- The coupon can only be used if the customer has added menu items to their online order from the Categories/items selected to be +Required from the promotion.
- The coupon will be applied to the entire order and will not be applied to one single item.
NEW! Free Email Marketing Tool
Once you've created the coupon, you will see an option to Create Email Campaign.
Select Create Email Campaign and you'll be able to create your own email blast and connect with customers that have ordered from you previously and opted-in to receive promotional emails from your restaurant. If you're not sure how to create an email blast with our free email marketing tool, we have linked an article that provides step-by-step instructions.
On the Menufy website - Here is what the coupons will look like on the restaurant’s Menufy website:
Customers are able to copy the coupon code and use it at check out!
Customers will paste or enter the code in the Coupon Code text box, and if the order meets all requirements to redeem the coupon, it will be applied successfully.
If customers did not copy the code from the home page, we have a Need a Coupon? button where they can see the coupons that are available to them.
If the customer presses Apply, it will apply the discount:
Coupons will show as the customer meets the minimum order requirement. However, customers could copy the code from the Home page and try to redeem it here, but an error will appear (will vary per device) if they do not qualify for the coupon:
Want to learn more? Reach out to one of our experts to see how your restaurant can get more online orders!
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