Please remember to modify order amounts as soon as possible. There is usually a 12 hour window until the bank settles the payment. So, the sooner the better! After the settlement, we are unable to adjust any amounts.
If you ever need to modify any certain orders for the day (EXAMPLE: Add Tip, Add To Total, Refund, Void), please log into your Menufy Manager account at o
When you click on a specific customers order, you will see 5 buttons in colors at the top in this order: Add Tip, Add To Total, Store Credit, Refund, Void.
These buttons are visible on the tablet for PREPAID orders only. For Cash orders, you will treat it as you would any in-store cash transaction.
Add tip: If a customer manually wrote down a tip on the receipt, you can use this to enter the tip amount to have your totals match your system. Customers have a choice to pay a prepaid tip online if they paid by credit card. If they forget and wrote one down on the receipt instead, please use this button to enter the tip amount. (EXAMPLE: $2 tip was written, please enter 2.00 in the amount box). It is very important to also enter the decimal whenever entering an amount.
Add to Total: If a customer ordered extra chicken and the online ordering did not charge them and it usually costs $3.00 extra, you can use this button to add the $3 extra charge to the total. Please remember to calculate the tax with the it and then enter the amount. It is very important to also enter the decimal whenever entering an amount.
Issue Credit: You can use this to send customers a store credit to use for their future online orders. All you will need is the customers email address. The amount sent only works for online Menufy orders, not in-store dining. You can send store credit to anyone, just as long as you have their email address. It can only be used at that specific location.
Refund: For some reason the customer was not satisfied or an item is out of stock, you can refund a partial amount from their order. (EXAMPLE: Out of fries, you can refund customer $3.00+tax) Please remember to calculate the tax with the item and then enter the amount TOTAL. It is very important to also enter the decimal whenever entering an amount.
Void: This CANCELS out the entire order and refunds the full amount back to the customer.