View Billing Statement:
- Go to
- Login to your account
- Click Account & Setup
- Go Billing & Statements section
- Click Monthly Statements
- Go to Clover Plan & App Statement section
- Choose a month to view
Statement Summary:
"Statements Summary" section
- Plan Charges - there is no plan charges for Menufy app or service. Therefore, the amount showing is never for Menufy
- App Charges - total of all your app charges including Menufy order that is to be debited to your account followed by the tax collected by Clover
- Statement Total - the total of your plan and app charges
"Your Plan Charges" section
- Breakdown of all the plan charges
- Since there is no plan charge for Menufy app or service, this section will never have Menufy listed
"Your App Charges" section
- Breakdown of all your app charges
- Due Date - the start date for the charge
- Charge Period - the billing cycle
- App - name of the app for the charge, and Menufy charge is listed as "Menufy Online Ordering"
- Amount - the total that is to be debited to your account
- Status - progress of the charge
- IN_PROGRESS = billing cycle has started
- BILLED = charge attempted on the account
- DISBURSED/DEPOSITED = Menufy received the fund
Example of Menufy Transaction on Clover Plan & App Statement